Dr. Richard AronMB Ch B (University of Cape Town) Master of Medicine (Dermatology) University of Cape Town

Formerly registrar in Department of Dermatology School of Medicine, University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town and Guys Hospital, London.

Subsequently part-time consultant at Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town and locum consultant St Albans City Hospital, St Albans, Herts., U.K.

Registered with the Human Sciences Council of South Africa (No. MP0110817) and the General Medical Council (UK) (No. 3151727)

Private Practice as a Consultant Dermatologist since 1986 at the Garden Hospital, 46 Sunny Gardens Road, Hendon, London NW4 1RP Tel: 020 84574500 and SPIRE Bushey Hospital.  Telephone: 0845 6039090 Fax: 020 89507556

Contact email: richardaron06@aol.com

The following explanation is the basis for the ARON REGIME and its generally positive outcome.

“The central pillar of the therapy is the administration of appropriate diluted steroid creams for long periods in contrast to the conventional approach of short bursts of potent steroids followed by cessation of the potent steroid and in turn by inevitable flare. In conjunction with longer-term dilute steroids, my cream mixture contains an antibiotic element as I have established that the single most common and important trigger factor in Atopic Eczema is secondary bacterial infection by Staphylcoccus Aureus and unless this is dealt with adequately, all other endeavors in regard to diet, allergy testing, house dust-mite control etc. are effectively a waste of time. ( refer article “Blaming the staph – the role of alpha toxin in Atopic Dermatitis – Nakamura Y et al. Staphylcoccus induces allergic skin disease by activating mast cells”. NATURE 2013 Nov 21; 503:397 – http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature12655 ). This research is the beginning of a scientific support for my common sense, clinical observations in regard to the presence of secondary infection in AE.

Conventional treatment regimes fail to recognize this role or if it is recognized, fail to treat it adequately because of topical antibiotic cream phobia in the profession at large. Patients who undergo long term treatment approaches which do not address the place of Staphylcoccus Aureus are basically being condemned to living with infected skin and this is why they itch and burn to such a severe degree.

There are of course other strands to my therapy such as the avoidance of dietary additives and inappropriate physical/sporting activities, but these are important, subject to bacterial control of the skin.

I hope very much that this clarifies any evidenced based objections to what I have always considered to be clinical obvious.”
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